Saturday, February 21, 2009

Looky at what I got!

I got a new toy!

M bought me a point and shoot digital camera - isn't she the bestest?

I need to charge the battery up but I've been able to play around with it a bit and take some pictures and one silly video of my dogs.

This is the MESS that I call my office. I really need to clean it. I can't find a damn thing.

Some twisted tines

A teapot wind chime my daughter for my birthday

Some flowers I was playing around with the color thingy.

A view of my back yard through my dining room window.
That's all for now.
I need to learn what all of the buttons and do dad and thingy ma-jiggers are on this thing but I'll probably be posting a lot more photos!


Kat Mortensen said...

Excellent! They are so much fun. I should probably read the instructions on mine. I've had it for over a year.


Tammy said...

Do I see sunshine in your back yard photo - I'm so jealous, I'm craving sunshine and spring weather. Enjoy your new camera, I'll look forward to all the great pictures you've yet to take.

neetzy said...

Ooh a new toy! I still don't understand all the do-dads. Why is it that the little icons intimidate me? I miss the old dials and such.

dive said...

Woohoo! What great fun, Shazza!
So nice to see a real working office. I love the Spiderman.

Presbyfruit's History Bits said...

Yay, no more old-school film development! The photos are great. Have fun, sista!

Shazza said...

Hi all - excuse the "broadcast" thank you, but I've been neglecting my responses lately due to "other frustrating circumstances".

I will post more pics soon!