Monday, January 07, 2008

Random thought of the day

Why is it when you are doing something really dirty with your hands - you get an itch on your nose?


Unknown said...

Your nose itches because you are going to kiss a fool.

Kari Hultman said...

Hopefully whatever was dirty on your hands didn't also smell bad, considering that you had an itchy nose.

Shazza said...

Wyld - I often think M is a fool for putting up with me for so long, so perhaps that was it!

VC - you don't want to know what it was. But it was smelly.

Kari Hultman said... do have two dogs, so I can imagine. ; )

Presbyfruit's History Bits said...

Hopefully, your ass wasn't itching first.

Maria said...

God, I had this witty remark all prepared and then I saw that presbyfruit had already trumped me. I hate it when that happens....