Generally, I'm a quiet person. I don't always feel the need to fill up empty space with conversation unless it's been a long silence where it seems a bit uncomfortable.
I am in sales, so my job is basically communicating to my clients which is on the phone, at conference or via e-mail.
I have chatty friends that are always talking...about whatever. They either don't like silence or they just have a lot to talk about...I don't know. There is a line in a song by Alanis Morrisette that goes: "why are you so petrfied of silence? Here can you handle this?...................................
Did you think about your bills, your ex, your deadlines or when you think you're gonna die, or did you long for the next distraction?"
Perhaps because I talk most of the day, when I come home I like to be silent for a while. My commute from work takes me about 1 1/2 hours. Most times I will listen to music, sometimes I get a book on CD and there are times when I just open the windows up in my car and drive with only the sound of the wind coming through the windows and the other cars on the road.
My partner is a talker, once you get to know first she is kind of shy, but after that...she's a talker alright. She tells me I don't talk enough to her sometimes...I have to admit I am guilty of that. If I could write it out, it would be better...I could edit my thoughts so that they perfectly convey what I think and feel, but that isn't a conversation though is it?
Conversation is an artform...some people are very good at it...others...not so good.
Professionally, I do very well with conversations. Small talk...pick up clues from your client and extrapilate the information you need to keep the flow going. Learn how to listen, provide feedback.
Personally - I really suck at this. Why? hmmmm...too close to home maybe?
I'm a great listener though. I do pay attention.
Generally though, I like quiet. Not necessarily silence...but quiet. Walk through a park with a light breeze blowing through the trees...there is a sound there, so it's not silent...but it's quiet. It's peaceful. Listening to water flowing under a's quiet...calming.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Posted by
8:56 AM
Labels: Random Thought
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my partner and I have the same problem. me - talker. her - not so much, at times she's actually rather hapless at conversation (relationship-concerning conversation). on the other hand she's skilled at small talk, while I utterly fail at this chit-chat.
Ah yes...relationship concerning conversation - I'm not too good on that either. Although I'm getting better. I will talk to complete strangers though, I enjoy that a lot!
I am one of those talkers. I can admit it. I think for me it is the fact that there is ALWAYS stuff flying around my head that just has to come out... or at least it seems like it HAS to come out. My wife is generally, as far as the world is concerned, pretty quiet. Except with me... LOL
I chuckle to myself when friends talk about how quiet she is and how NOT quiet I am. It is ironic because while we are in the world that is the way it is but at home it is another story.
I must say though that I do talk at home, we have many wonderful conversations (one of the things I love the most about her is her intelligence), the difference is that at home I WANT to listen. In fact, I would say I love to listen... to her at least. Perhaps that is what it comes down to for me at least. My desire to listen to her outweighs my need to always be talking. I guess that is a pretty reasonable way for things to work out... at least it works well for us.
Funny though, there has never been anyone before in my 34 years of life that I cared to actually listen to... I mean for a protracted period of time... LOL
Certainly some food for random thought...
Hey there Rant,
Thanks for sharing. I think it's true that we all have times when we are better at our opposites. When I really have something to say...I will talk your ear off sometimes!!!
I think as far as relationship types of conversations, anything that I think could/would hurt my partner, even if it's important for me to tell her, I am reluctant to do so. I just don't know where to start sometimes.
I can talk non stop..
any sort of talks.. chit chats.. more intense conversations..anything
i wish i could stop
Why do you need to stop? That's just part of your personality ritu and that is fine. As the song says: We love you just the way you are!
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