Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Conversations in the bathroom

Being the practical type, when I go to the bathroom to "take care of businsess" I do just that. I go what I gotta do...wash my hands and go out.

I'm not a primper, I don't have a lot of hair to fuss with so there really is no reason for me to linger.

I don't understand conversations in the bathroom, this is one thing that just mystifies me. Aren't there better places to have a chat in? Places with perhaps a cheerier atmosphere and less aromatic conditions? A place where your initmate conversations with your friends/colleagues do not reverberate against the tiled walls and echo throughout so that everyone can hear?

Cell phones in the bathroom are also another enigma to me - can't you call this person back after you have completed the task? Must the person on the recieving end hear the flush?

1 comment:

ritu said...

i am on the floor .. just can't stop laughing..
i agree cent percent..