Friday, August 13, 2010


My plan was to post weekly to share with you my experiences at the store.

That was the plan.

Somewhere along the line things got kind of busy and the plans flew out the window.
This is a good thing really. I would much rather be busy than slow.

Today - we are slow. Actually this whole week has been slow. I am going to guess that people are spending money on "Back to School" stuff for their kids and not shopping for gift items and art.

It happens.

The slow bits here and there give me time to rearrange the store and think of new ideas.

We've had our first Artist Show and Reception featuring the work of Fine Artist Jean LeBaron. That went pretty well and I was very pleased with the turn out

Here is Jeannie with some of her paintings.

Here is a sampling of her work.

She ranges from very traditional/representational art to very abstract.

The Art Shows and receptions will be once a month and we have artist's booked through March of 2011 which is awesome and extremely exciting. There is even some talk about my sister Anita and I doing a "Sister Show" sometime in June or July of next year.

How cool is that? (very)

We have offered Fused Glass classes and an Artist's Way Circle based on the book by Julie Cameron. Those have been well received and I hope to add more classes in Precious Metal Clay soon!

Now we are trying to "gear up" for the holidays.

It is strange to me to think about Christmas in August, but I have never done this kind of retail before. It's a case that if you don't order now - you may lose out on some gooooood stuff man.

The down side is that I will have to take down some near and dear art to make room for new pieces.

We need to keep the place fresh.

Overall - we are doing very well for a new store in a bad economy and I couldn't be happier!


Anonymous said...

HA! I was supposed to post this on my "other" blog.


neetzy said...

Well I shall go there to visit! That is why I only have one blog. I should have one for my paintings and one for all my other stuff. I do want to come to a Precious Metal Clay class. Will you have one in the fall?