Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You know you are sick when...

You take a steaming hot shower, hot enough to make your skin turn pink, and you still have the chills.

You smell the milk...it doesn't smell bad, you pour it into your hot oatmeal and it instantly curdles. You smell the mill again...still doesn't smell bad. The expiration date was 5 days ago. You pour a slightly curdled milk down the drain and a small wave of nausea comes over you when you realized you drank that same milk yesterday and it seemed fine.

You wake up in the middle of the night coughing so bad that you throw up.

Being sick sucks.


Kari Hultman said...

Those sinus infections do indeed suck the big weiner. They make you feel like you have the flu. Hope you're better soon!

finn said...

omg, you're still sick.
sounds horrible. I hope it's bearable though...get well soon.

Unknown said...

Just so you know milk doesn't really go bad, it starts its transistion to better things.

mccutcheon said...

and it probably wasn't bad yet the day before. with what they're doing to milk today before it hits the shelf it almost always lasts longer than the expiration date says. so don't worry about the milk.

but do get better soon!

Shazza said...

Thanks all! I appreciate the well wishes.

Thanks Wyld and McC for the milk update.

Milk transitions into what exactly Wyld? Cottage cheese? ew

Presbyfruit's History Bits said...

Sending good, healing, Presbyterian hoodoo voodoo thoughts your way.

Middle Girl said...

Hope you are feeling better. Boo being sick. Ick.