Thursday, December 27, 2007


Thanks to Wyldth1ng for sending me this site:

It brought back some fun memories actually. When I was in the sixth grade I had a calculator that actually did your biorythms - it was called the Casio Biolator. Everyone wanted me to calculate their biorythms...even some of my teachers!

I was so hip back in the sixth grade. With my winged hair and wire framed glasses and earth shoes.
Oh yeah...I was something else alright!!!


Kari Hultman said...

Feathered were cool!
Did you also have a big, brightly colored comb sticking out of your back pocket?

Shazza said...

YES! Yes I was like a marbled pink color!

I wasn't just cool - I was groovin' sistah!

Presbyfruit's History Bits said...

I had a big comb too!

Unknown said...

Glad you liked the link.

You don't want to know what I was like in sixth grade, I was "groovin" way ahead of my time.