Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Rules, rules, rules

Please don't get me wrong, I think that rules/laws for the most part are a good thing, but I do get the feeling that we, as a nation, are going overboard just a bit too much.

One of my previous posts, I ranted about the ban for "Props" in school pictures...now, they are banning Hugs.



Somewhere they also banned the game of tag because if kids got hurt during recess, the school fears the parents may sue. (It's all about the money in the end isn't it?)

What is next?

A ban on eating twinkies because your kid isn't allowed to eat them and seeing OTHER kids with them will cause jealousy and confusion and the potential for twinkie binging?

I admit, I am not a big fan of overzealous public displays of affection. I mean really, who wants to see two people playing tonsil hockey in front of you! GET A ROOM! but to all out BAN hugs seems a little overboard.

Actually, the ban is on all physical contact. No hugging, holding hands etc. I guess that means shaking hands is out of the question. So would be helping someone up if they fell down.

If I was still in high school I would be the kid going down the hall touching everyone I came near, just to test out the new rule.





heh, heh, heh

1 comment:

Middle Girl said...

I was thinking about this as one of our middle schools has asked teachers to discourage kids from hugging in the halls. Hugging, it seems clogs the halls, preventing other children (not being hugged) from getting to class on time. Of course the huggers are often late too. That's the line--but there is more to it, I'm sure.